Friday, January 29, 2010

Complication in Desi Life

Let me start off by saying that my life is alittle complicated at time. I work, babysit, go to the gym 2-3 times a week, study, organize events for singles and more.

So is boring these days cze I'm waiting for permission to get all access to systems so i can do my job. basically i sit around half of the day waiting:(
So after work, i dragged myself to gym. I like running..i helps me clear my head.
I pushed alittle bit and got up to 5.7 speed with 1 incline. My goal is to reach speed of 10 miles per hour with 5 incline :)

After gym, i showered, had dinner and relaxed with my family with watching Enterprise and Leverage, my two favorite shows.

I been going out with this guy for 2-3 weeks. Let's call him the "Egyptian guy". We went out for coffee, to the mall, movies but I don't feel anything for him. More like when he put his hand on shoulder the other night, i wanted to RUN! but i didn't run because it was his birthday that day. So i told him on Tuesday night, that I'm not looking for relationship and i can be only his friend but that's it.

Ofcourse, he asks to see me to so we can talk in person and i agreed. I usually do the breakup in person but i knew the next time he would want to see me it would be for a couple of hours and if i wanted to breakup with him that would things award.
Anyway, I went out to coffee with him on Wednesday..pretty much normal talk and then just before i'm about to leave the tells me "I like you". Crap!

Last night i talked for good 40 min. and he told how me felt about me. He's nice, funny, educated, he works, he speaks Urdu (i love that fact), caring but I'm not attracted to him. (he reminds me of this Moroccan guy, i had 2 dates which and i wanted to run by the the end of the 2nd date from him). I feel bad comparing but i have very hard looking at the Egyptian guy without thinking of the Moroccan guy. Ah!

So i told him that i like as a person but I can be his friend only. If he's comfortable with that then i have no problem going out for coffee or lunch or dinner with him but he shouldn't have hope that I would change his mind. But i think the poor boy (26 yrs. old) still has hope i would change my mind.

Plus he got upset that, i would be going to girlfriend B-day party on Friday night and Saturday night i have family thing to attend to. He kept asking me to cancel my plans with my other friends and hangout with him. I mean Come On! I can't skip out a friend bday event and then family stuff. Seriously...

My priorities are...1) family 2) girlfriend 3) guy friends 3)him(Egyptian guy)
and ofcourse he wanted on the top of the priorities and i told that wans't going to happen.

After our talk, he texts me "You the kid, go to hell this weekend, but i will still like you"... look.

I want a Muslim-Sunni, Paki/Indian, Urdu/Hindi, Citizen/permanent resident of US, educated guy. I know that's alot! He can speak Urdu and write and religion matches but I'm not attracted at all and i felt that i should tell him upfront so I'm not leading him on but he doesn't seem to get it! ah!

What should i do? Never meet him? Meet him but smack him if tries to pull thing?

P.S. He has no family here in US and works too much so he doesn't have alot of friends.
P.S. I'm not the hugging, touching type person and he tries to hug me when he knows i get irritated.